art@amuse will showcase the work of ten talented artists, including jenny hirst, amanda wigglesworth, susan laughton and jo jenkins. jo is new to the white gallery, and i'm really excited to be hanging her work for barnaby as it seems to embody a lot of what the festival stands for in that it's bright, and bold and makes you feel happy.
the venue is the same as last years, only julia and andrew have decided to rename the cafe 'amuse' (formerly al PANINO), with a whole new look and menu to boot. there are lots of great ideas in the pipeline, including a tasting menu and a supper club, so be sure to give them your support and visit soon. the cafe is at 43 chestergate in macclesfield town centre.
art@amuse begins over the barnaby weekend (17-19 june) and continues until 17th july. a rolling exhibition of work by a variety of new and established artists will hang throughout the year.
for more information about events and happenings over the barnaby weekend, please visit